Saturday, August 23, 2003

well, I looked all around and it's gonna be hard to lay in a supply of 110 minute cassettes big enough to dub a copy of my Halloween mixtape for everybody.

I'm examining the playlist to decide where I can cut ten minutes from each side, in order to fit it onto the standard 90 min cassette that everybody still uses.

I guess since folks all got into MP3 and CD burners, the 110-minute cassette, which was designed to better fit most music CDs on a side, is becoming obsolete. Damn. I liked being able to squeeze an extra few songs per side in.
well I'll look at my play list and try to cull it again. (I've already culled down from about 200 candidate songs to get the 42 or so that made it onto the tape, I have lots of stuff that will have to hope it makes it next year already.)

Here's a website that will help you in your research if you want to get into doing your own Halloween tapes. Nightmare City Halloween is an annual radio broadcast, and is celebrating it's 25th year in 2003. At their site they have info on how to get this Year's show over the web, if you're near your computer on Halloween Night. You can also see playlists from previous shows.

Thursday, August 21, 2003

Speaking of Halloween Mixtapes, as there are only 70 chopping days left, i have compiled this year's Howl-O-Ween mixtape. here's my play list:

Howl-O-Ween 2003; Curse of the BentWolf
side 1 "Moonlight Becomes You"
Intro from The Count
Danny Hutton.................................................... Monster Shindig
Screaming Lord Sutch.................................. All Black & Hairy
Nekromantix................................................... Trick or Treat
Nu-Trends......................................................... Spooksville
Louis Armstrong ............................................... Spooks
Dan Russo and His Oriole Orchestra.............. ‘Taint No Sin (to Take Off Your Skin and Dance Around in Your Bones)
Bobby “Boris” Pickett...................... The Werewolf Watusi
Jon Spencer Blues Explosion........................... She Said
Gary Warren.................................................. Werewolf
The Woggles............................................... Dracula’s Daughter
Round Robin................................................ I’m The Wolf Man
Todd Rundgren............................................ Wolfman Jack
GasHuffer................................................. Where Wolfmen Lurk
Children of The Night................................. Monster Time
L7......................................................................... Monster
Danny Hutton............................................... The Monster Jerk
The Brickbats............................................ Do The Dead Girl
The Boss Martians................................. Have You Ever Seen...?
Phantom Creeps.......................................... Intro/Dead Sled
The Superfine Dandelion............................. Janie’s Tomb

Side 2 "Fangs for the Memories"
Sheldon Allman........................... Children’s Day at the Morgue
4 Flops.................................................. Trick or Treat
The Martini Bros.......................... Nightmare (Party On Wheels)
Freddy Fortune & the Four-Gone Conclusions.. Dracula’s Deuce
Zane Brothers............................................. Dracula
The Brickbats.............................................. Dr. Acula
The Groovie Ghoulies....................... (She’s My) Vampire Girl
Adam Ant........................................................ Vampires
Children of The Night....................... Dracula’s Undying Love
Dicky Doo & The Don’ts........................ Flip Top Box
The Neanderthals...................................... I Go Ape
Tarantula Ghoul & The Gravediggers............ King Kong
Bert Convy...................................................... Gorilla
Roy Clark................................................... Spooky Movies
Cris Kevin.................................................. Haunted House
Big Bee Kornegay....................... At the House of Frankenstein
Hollywood Flames.............................. Frankenstein’s Den
Bill Cosby, briefly, on Frankenstein Movies
Eddie Thomas.......................................... Frankenstein Rock
Swinging Phillies.............................. Frankenstein’s Party
Eddie Angel & The Omega Men.. Frankie’s Groovy Monster Boots
Buck Owens................................... (It’s A) Monster’s Holiday
Deadbolt..................................................... Scare Me

If you'd like me to dub a copy of this for you, just send a blank 110-minute cassette and a SASE to:
Ben T. Steckler, POB 7273, York, PA, 17404

if you can't find 110-minute cassettes, send me a good 90-minute tape to replace the 110 from my own stash that I'll have to use. And if you have your own monster-mix that you think I'll like, we can trade.

if you want your copy in time for Halloween, get a blank out to me by the first week of October. my master gets retired from dubbing on October 15th.

Wednesday, August 20, 2003

Oh Boy! Folks who have been the recipient of one of my Halloween tapes can probably guess that I have a soft spot for the Classic monster movies, especially when they are used as kitschy educational or promotional tools. here's a great site where the Universal Studios fearsome folks help to teacjh kids about science. Miami Museum of Science - The Atoms Family

Here's a quote from "Frankenstein's Electrical laboratory" that take's on a strange meaning when pulled out of context:

"What is young Frankenstein doing wrong? If you guessed "pulling his toy by the power cord" you're right!
We now have a new theater in York which is bringing in more independent films. I'm anxiously hoping that I don't have to wait too long to see American Splendor, the movie version of Harvey Pekar's great comics. It stars two of the greatest lesser-known talents, Paul Giamatti and Hope Davis.

Until the movie comes out, I'll enjoy reading Harvey Pekar’s Official Blog

Today I must Say a big Happy Birthday to my Sister Tamara. Because I'm her little Brother and It's my job to torment her, i will say Nyahh, Nyaah! You're 43! I won't say anymore, because she can probably still beat me up.
While I've been away, I've had some good news, Comics-wise. Positive Reviews have been coming in for Get BenT! #10 and my FLAGWAIVER comic.
In the last week or so, I've had Great reviews in Xerography Debt, TooMuchCoffeeMan, and Razorcake for Get BenT! #10

Razorcake is a great Punk magazine, written for the mature, intelligent punk. They also gave the good nod to FLAGWAIVER

I feel better about my comics now. I have the push i needed to get my stuff together for the next show.
Hello, It's me. woe, woe, woe, and all that Todd Rundgren stuff.
If you're reading this you're probably one of those who give a damn about comic books. Good. If you're not, I'm sorry to paint you with the broad geekbrush. Please bear with me for a moment while I tell everybody about Jeff Mason's On-line Comics Community over at Delphi Forums. It's the Alternative Comics forum, but discussion there goes on about all sorts of comics and other stuff, even kitties This link will even take you to a thread where comics guys talk about their blog. Click there if you don't think you'll get trapped in a loop of infinte regression. Alternative Comics #514.1

Saturday, August 09, 2003

It's Saturday, and I'm at the drawing Board, furiously trying to finish my pages for the next issue of SHIOT CROCK. It's an APA so you have to contribute to it to see a copy, but don't fear, I've designed my four pages to be easily adapted into a twelve page mini-comic, which I should have available at the Small Press Expo this year. I should also have the next f-ARTjoke compilation.

Cool News! I've been invited to be a guest at ITHACON this year. If I'm Not Careful, I might become Somebody Famous! That Link hasn't been updated to show anything more than the date and time of the next show. I'll let you know when I see something new.

To show that I'm in a better mood Than last time, Here's another Top Ten list:

Top Ten Things Howard The Duck is Doing Now
10) Taking Tambourine Lessons from Davey Jones
9) Script Consultant for Pauley Shore Films
8) Hangs out in the park whenever He's low on croutons.
7) For Kicks, puts on a Sailor Suit and walks around Disneyland goosing the single Moms.
6) Sits in with the Band at Chuck E. Cheese
5) Hangs out on the Strip, asking Hookers if they want to "get Down"
4) Fishes barbarians out of his Peanut Butter jar.
3) Stalks Members of KISS, trying to recapture past glory.
2) Waiting for a Callback from "The Mighty Ducks"
1) Watches Caroline in the City and says, "Lea Thompson? I Did Her!"

Thursday, August 07, 2003

It's August and I am still in search of a purpose. My life is really nothing but a quest for distraction.
I sometimes envy people who are capable of having religious faith. I'm sure it brings meaning to life.
Sometimes I think the only emotion I'm capable of is anger, and that is usually more just out of frustration.
I haven't felt the pure passion of righteuous anger in a long time. What I get is more of a peevishness at the stupidity of my fellow man.

I have times when i feel happy, but it's more of just a momentary delight, not a true happiness. I can't get no satisfaction.
Would winning the lottery or landing a good-paying job make me happy? Well, either way, I might clear away debts and worries, and either have money to buy more distraction or less time to fill with distraction.

I used to be passionate about comics. I was the hard-core geek, spending twenty to thirty dollars every week, at a time when that would buy you more than just eight to ten comics. I looked forward to New Comic arrival day, and that was the day each week it was easiest to get out of bed.

The easiest way to end your passion for comics is to try and run a comic shop. I'm even starting to lose my passion for creating my own comics. I hope that this is just because I'm in the Doldrum weeks before I really have to get my nose to the grindstone for the next Big Show.

I need to find a passion.